Admissions into Vine International School
Children come to our school from different homes with representing diverse perspectives, experiences, backgrounds and cultures. Once here, they discover extraordinary freedom of opportunity to explore, to collaborate and to challenge themselves. All children have very different needs and and at Vine International School we pride ourselves on providing a service to our pupils that is designed to meet each individual’s specific requirements.
Fees are due termly. A term is 4 months i.e. fees are usually due in September, January and April. Fees are to be paid directly into our bank.
A bank teller can be obtained from our Admin Office. The blue copy is to be submitted to us, while you retain a copy.
Half fees are not accepted.
Fees are due to be paid no later than the second week of each term.
Children whose fees are yet to be paid by the end of this period will be asked to remain at home until the outstanding amount is fully paid. Parents / Guardians are ultimately responsible for the timely payment of fees.
Rebate: 10% rebate shall be given to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th children of the same parents.
Fees are normally reviewed annually and may be increased.
The school year begins in September.
We are closed for 2-3 days during each term for midterm, 3-4 weeks for Christmas (usually from the middle of December to the middle of January, and on national holidays i.e. Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Childrens Day, Independence Day and any Muslim National Holidays announced by the government.
Our fee calculations take these days into account so there is no reduction or deduction for the days we are closed.
We will notify you of the dates of In-service Staff Training Days to be taken in this school year. School will be closed to enable professional development for members of staff.
Opening hours are from 8am to 1.30pm, Monday to Friday for the Nursery and Year 1. 2.30pm for years 2-6.
Pupils may arrive from 7:15am.
Children in the crèche may be picked up at 5.30pm for additional fees per term.
In addition to the normal school curriculum, the school encourages pupils to belong to one or more enrichment programmes.
Club activities are for Reception to Yr 5 except where stated.
A 30-day notice in writing is required if you wish to withdraw your child from the school. In case your child will be out of school before school officially goes on break, there will be no refund of fees
Why Choose Us
Our school community is passionate about ensuring every child experiences success with their learning every day. We are committed to providing high quality services in all that we do.
Vine International School will play an active role in establishing and setting our strategic agenda to ensure that our students are offered the very best education possible.
To achieve this, committed staff display enthusiasm, dedication and high level teaching skills to deliver personalised programs that are responsive to student need and interest.
All children attending our school will participate in a thorough school based assessment and monitoring schedule throughout the year to ensure your child’s academic progress is kept foremost in our minds and informs the teaching and learning process.
Our classrooms and facilities offer contemporary learning environments to enhance learning and provide a platform to prepare your children for the world beyond the walls of our school.

As our purpose and mission is to provide the children with the highest standard of education and to also give them care that compliments the care you give at home.We are always ready to listen to parents’ views and opinions and to involve you whenever we can.
We encourage parents to work with us as part of the team. Parents are encouraged to discuss any concerns they may have about their child’s welfare and development with the Proprietress or Head teacher. However, you are welcome to speak to the Proprietress if you need to.
In addition to regular update on your child’s progress, we hold Parents / Teachers Association (PTA) meetings once a term. Informal meetings can also be arranged at your convenience.